White teenager who listens to nothing but rap and thinks he's so cool and gangster. He wishes he was black when deep down he just wishes he had a BBC. Female wiggers are usually whores who post lewd pics on Instagram and they always have at least one video seductively sticking their tongue out. They say "nigga" a lot even though they're rich white kids from the good side of town
Chance is such a stupid wigger! He thinks being a fuckboy pimp is so cool
by Crapfeces September 5, 2023
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It is the definition of nigger except it's used among white people. It is commonly used to call a white person a stupid white boy and that's were the word wigger came from.
You stupid wigger, hay saniqua look at that stupid wigger
by Realinfo December 14, 2013
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A white male trying to act like he's black.Usualy a wigger lives and grows up in the suburbs,and call each of his friends nigga,even though there white boys.When a Black or Spanish(Puerto Ricans,Cubans,Italians ect.) comes into there neighborhood,they piss there pants and stares at him,while gossiping about the person,and tries to start a fight with the poor kid.All the wiggers cloths,cars,bling and assesorys are paid by the parents and usually blast rap music loud to get attention.Alot of wiggers are jealous because there not people of color,but thats just to bad.
Homie 1: Aye aye aye,ain't that a wigga right there?

Homie 2: Yeahz,ima mess that wigga up holmes.
by RWOOD4LYFE6 August 28, 2005
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A white kid who tries to black. See Eminem
Wigger 1:Yo, wut up muh niggaz we goin ta see Em?
Wigger 2: Aww, no doubt! It's gonna be off da hook!
Me: Shut the fuck up wiggers.
by bill clinton December 23, 2003
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When a white person tries to act black. But their actions and everything else they do are based purely on stero types and so they have a hard time fitting in with smart black people.
my neighbour(a white guy) is not a wigger, he just naturally fits in becuse he act's like himself, but his friend on the other hand is a wigger
by Young JJ February 8, 2008
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A white person who wants to be a nigger!
God,you know they must be from suburbia, because even whites on welfare have a little more self-respect.
"A suburban wigger walks into a night club in Atlanta and gets shot."
"A suburban wigger walks into a biker bar and gets beat to death with a baseball bat."

You're not tough, just annoying.
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Almost always a white male who lives in a suburban area. This person often has little exprience with the inner-city and living conditions there. Usually lacks interaction with real African Americans, (not the media stereotypes).

Simply put, this person watches too much MTV, and he/she believes that the materialistic, grammar poor, baggy clothes, flashy jewelry, rapper stereotype portrayed in music videos is the coolest thing ever.

I believe these individuals are often confused, thus they try to emulate african american stereotypes in order to be "cool".
"Wow, look at that wigger(the confused white kid trying to be black), he's a fucking idiot".
by The Pharmacist January 9, 2006
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