When someone wants to talk to you but instead of getting to the point, they skirt around the issue by talking about other, less important things. Also when there is a big point to make, but you are nervous and can't get right into the big point without telling a meaningless story or two.
My Boss: Well, Kevin, I wanted to talk to you today. Please sit down.
Me: Is there a problem Jesse?
My Boss: Not really, but how are you doing today Kevin?
Me: I'm doing fine I guess. But what was it you wanted to talk to me about?
My Boss: Don't worry, we'll get to that. First, I want to tell you about when I started with the company ten years ag-
Me: Look Jesse, I have a lot of reports to run, so if you don't mind cutting out the conversational fore-play, and let's talk business?

(Actual conversational foreplay with my boss)
by KP The Quality OG August 28, 2009
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the uncercumsized penis of an elderly man
Yeah he was rich. I still couldn't do it though, he had a rumple fore-skin
by einsteins jockstrap April 19, 2004
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the act in which a male gets too excited during fore play and ejaculates before the actual act of sex begins.
-I really like Brian, but his premature fore-gasms are really starting to annoy me. He's like a young teenager.
by 3PJ February 11, 2011
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The act of inserting your finger into four of a girl’s orifices in an order that would surprise you: ass, mouth, vagina, and nose.
Bro, I gave your girlfriend the Four Finger Fore Play, dont kiss her tonight.
by hairy nut flinger May 30, 2013
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Said in tune to Migos ft . Drake “Walk it, Talk it”
Walk it like I talk it, walk it walk it like I talk it”
Wrap it ‘fore you tap it, wrap it wrap it ‘fore you tap it
by Sonena March 28, 2023
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When you’re bored and have nothing else to do, so you eat. Fored can be a bad habit if you constantly fill time by eating.
I’m so fored right now, let’s make a sandwich

I’m so fored I could eat a whole pizza
by Making an impact March 31, 2023
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