A blow j for someone with a big fatty dick.
-"Eyy Jesus, that bitch's got some good snazz! Bet i'll get my fat D sucked."
-"Chh, you aint down"

Fat D - same thing. :D
by :DDDDDD June 14, 2008
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When someone has yummy looking food and you gasp in excitement.
I can't believe I just fat gasped over your shamrock shake!
by SarahWT March 13, 2015
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Knicker fat: I.e when your cock juggling thunder cunt of a friend lee calls you knicker fat when on a night out.
Rachel: hey Lee
Lee: fuck off knicker fat
by Knicker fat April 22, 2016
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Fat dag is an exclamation used when something is an inconvenience.
Person 1: Dude I totally failed that math test.

Person 2: Aw man I'm sorry that's a fat dag.
by Gmoney36 August 25, 2017
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