A sub-genre of metal created by Andrew Huang in January 2018. The genre features the use of rubber chickens as analogue instruments to create metal-style music.
"Dude, what's the greatest musical genre in history?"

"Well, it's got be Chicken Metal"

"I don't know why I asked"
by sleep_a_lot January 15, 2018
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some one who is a complete mess. has no class or style and everything about them is completely off.
aisha jae was a chicken mess when she went to prom with all that make up.
by koolazzavery October 13, 2008
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Your either saying Awh to a Chicken or you watch EllieKatPlayzYTand thats one of her friends nicknames which is THE WORST NICKNAME I HAVE HEARD but oh well not my choice
it means something Awh chicken is saying hi to a chicken
and saying awh
by Astractzz May 17, 2021
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their so poofy
alan: those goofy chickens are so goofy.

mike: ikik their so poofy
by MonicaChan April 19, 2022
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when someone buys a chicken costume, puts a bra and panties over it, and dances on a pole
"What are you gonna be for Halloween?"
"Oh, a chicken strip, hbu?"
by SaltySista October 5, 2018
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