Jackie is a very cute and kind person and is also Very interesting in many ways and is sometimes emotional but that is ok .
Person : what are your opinions on Jackie

Mikey: she is a very cute/good person
by Mikey____3 November 25, 2021
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She is your bestfrined. Your loyal component. She has brown beautiful hair. Always tells the truth. She is beautiful herself.
Speaker 1- You know jackie?
Speaker 2- Yah she so cool and pretty
Speaker1- I wish she would notice me :(
by Genesis Avilez February 23, 2022
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A Laci n' Jackie are two separate, independent beings with a passion for life. And when combined they are a force to be reckoned with! With Laci by Jackie's side she's able to conquer a destroy anything that stands in her way because she can draw from Laci's fiery energy who is all to eager to give her anything and everything thing she needs. These two move in such a rythm together it's hard to tell one from the next. Once these two find each other in life hold on to your seats because fuel and fire just become besties and it's the kind of friendship that far surpasses any out there. So if you were smart you wouldn't cross one without being ready for the other to show up and show out.
Did you see how close those two were? Yeah, they were a real Laci n' Jackie!
by Feedmenbed May 4, 2022
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Jackie in the club; an awkward situation that you can't stop watching, but feel worse for having seen it
Girl 1: Did you see Max making out with that fat girl last night?
Girl 2: It was a total Jackie in the Club
by sunshineandhappiness February 4, 2010
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Is the type of person that humps a lot a bit like a jack Russel doesn’t matter if it’s clothes on or clothes off they will go for initiation
1st person ayo there’s a Jackie fam, she’s being a jack russel

2nd person; yeah bruv that’s crease ya’knooooo

3rd person, let’s join in on that Jackie bruv
by Pooja69 December 22, 2022
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