A retarded dickhead with an Arabic appearance and black curly hair who likes to fuck people over. He is also a whiny pussy who never shuts the fuck up. He especially loves to fuck with your grades and your babes because he is a desperate piece of shit.
Wow that guy just fucked with that guys gf. What a Ryan
by DownyDolphin February 19, 2020
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A kid who spends all of his time playing ROBLOX and eating cheeseburgers in front of McDonalds. He sits on his 'gaming chair' with fucking crumbs on his shirt thinking he's the toughest shit
Pfft that kid is just like Ryan
Heh I know right?
by Pablina November 18, 2016
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Ryan is honestly the greatest guy you will ever come across. He definitely tells the truth and is not afraid to say it, no matter the cost. He is sweet. He is kind. He is stubborn. He is the kinda guy that will mock your laugh then get your laugh for doing it so often. He knows how to turn your frown upside down and on your worst days he will have your back. Don't be fooled he can get sexual, when he does, don't tell him to stop you will regret not doing anything sooner. Most important is that he's mine and he's the kinda guy you can take home and have your family just fall for him the way you do. NEVER let him go. He will have your back and respect you and is very protective and will do anything to protect you whether it's from a person or an object he will keep you safe. He is the kinda guy you can marry and grow a family with. He has gorgeous brown eyes, brown hair, tall and skinny, gives the best hugs and cuddles and is dying for attention. If you have met a Ryan, you are very lucky.
by Skylar_storm97 June 1, 2018
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Just a boy in his room watching porn bout to Jack off also is a pro redneck
Ryan watches a lot of porn
by Dickbutt27 May 4, 2019
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A guy that is short and can't keep his mouth shut and doesn't stop being jealousy. Also he doesn't trust anyone. And he gets offended very easily.
Guy: Andrew is being such a ryan today.
Guy 2: I know right he won't stop being jealous
by jadababy1 May 18, 2017
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A guy with a very large Dick that will most likely become a doctor. Ryan's are people you want to be around even if they are nerdy or annoying because they are very loyal and amazing
See that guy over there I bet he is a Ryan I can see his bulge from here
by Great in bed March 20, 2017
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