Pinckney Marketing is a digital marketing agency that believes marketing doesn't have to follow a straight line. But don't take our word for it, step into their #newoffice and see what they have to offer.
Person 1: "Man I really need to increase my digital presence."
Person 2: "Go to Pinckney Marketing, they'll know what to do!"
by lolithappens October 27, 2022
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Another Name of Digital Marketing is Internet Markeeting, This means promoting any product or service with the help Internet. Internet marketing School Means a place that Gives Digital Marketing Training.
I have Took admission In Internet Marketing School and it helps me to understand the Subject in Great Details
by Internet Marketing School November 25, 2021
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Phrase that identifies a company as a type of investment Scam aka Ponzi Scheme

Can also be referred to as Multi Level Marketing or Pyramid Scheme
Friend: Bro did you hear about this new investment company called Crowd1 its a Crowd Marketing Company
Me: Dude, get your money out! that is a Ponzi Scheme like Bitconnect
by MaxZeeMus May 24, 2021
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The highly secretive psychological marketing science whereby accesses is gained to the subliminal areas of the object (consumer) brain where decisions are heavily influenced. Dark Marketing is by its nature dark (hidden) because it would be much less effective or even completely ineffective and potentially extremely negatively received if the object would know its true meaning. An example of this are catwalk models who do not smile while walking during a fashion show. When asked why, the official answer given by the fashion designer is that one should pay attention to the clothing, not the model. That is a diversion. The true (dark) reason is interest in the brand and sales increase when models present themselves with a more seductive face. If the fashion designer would explain the reason correctly it would not sound noble and could potentially harm the company’s potential to sell product. Dark Marketing is not in itself bad or negative, however one is at an advantage when one can spot it.
Dark Marketing is used when a company explains the official meaning of its logo when in reality it means something else.
by WorldWantsPlastic January 9, 2018
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A Bulgarian chain of supermarkets, This Is the only place in Bulgaria where you can buy Ben and Jerry's and Also the bootleg version of Lidl.
A: znaesh Li kvo stana dneska be Brat XD B: Ne ve kvo? A: Kupih si edna vafla hyper ot T-Market vaflata beshe 1,50 no mi q probutaha Za 2,70 XD
by Cupcakebackpack December 7, 2022
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During sexual intercourse, inserting your big toe into your partner's rear entryway.
I tried going to market, but she kicked me out of bed - didn't even give me a kleenex to clean up after.
by thePooplord February 15, 2014
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