Em and Ilayda should marry?

You’re probably curious why? I’m here to tell you, why! So you’ll probably be impressed by these two cute humans.

First of all, the L in Ilayda stands for Love. The M in Em stands for Me. <- Love Me = Marriage!

Em is a soft and cute human, Ilayda is a smart and honest human. These two are the best combination ever!!! It’s like cheese and salami! Those two fit pretty well together.
They should have married already!!
Isn’t that Em and Ilayda?
Yeah, they’re married.

Ilayda and Em marriage definition
by wemarried10 November 21, 2021
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When you in a relationship with someone in the adult life or sex worker, and you cool with it and don't give your partner any grief about selling themselves for cash.
I became a regular of ol girl and next thing I knew we was together as a couple and I ain't trip off she sell ass, we in a Porn Marriage.
by DaPunisha187 July 14, 2023
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To truly consummate a marriage in Mexico, you must eat your fiancé out at the pool at high noon the day following the marriage proposal.
That dude nailed the Mexican marriage proposal, he at the shit outta that pussy at the pool the next day.
by Big Justin696969 October 5, 2021
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When a couple releases a fart from each of their own anuses, and are close to one another, it's considered to be a marriage fart.
Person A of couple: *Brrrrrrrrrrrrrtt*

Person B of couple: *BLLLLLAAATTT*.....oh a marriage fart, honey! Oh wow smell what we created! It's like a pizza mixed with chili beans!
by Judolizard June 28, 2021
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a feminist marriage is where you admit the only reason you got married as a woman is to have children. most women who are smart will marry men for money not love, and most women who are feminists will marry to have a family.

it is a reminder that according to feminism, you should marry because you are love someone (or, are attracted to them), and you should realize how easy it is to make money, and form bonds based on developing a life together, instead of testing your partner. it's hard to explain to someone that feminist marriage is about giving a good life to your children, and is not about selfishness, to remind you under a true matriarchy women would marry for power, and would marry to give their children a life that everyone would envy. to remind men that by submitting to the idea of an equal relationship where they still wear the pants, and maybe she wears a dress that life can be as simple and envigorating to remember that a child is so innocent and so precious, that the best life a woman can provide for their kids is one with their father.
feminist marriage - is marriage in feminism, isnt really about asking questions, or drawing lines, its about making your kids happy, and providing a better life for your partner by living a life without judgement, and a life filled with love, and passion
by ironfinn November 7, 2023
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When your ex goes from filet mignon to one of the maggots eating a week old happy meal they and then marries the skanky crack whore. Yet, 3 days prior begging you to let him come back and referencing the maggot he just married as a skanky crack whore he only uses for a ride...
I can't believe he had a crack head marriage to that skanky whore!
by Mangodjmango July 3, 2017
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