When you take your dentures out and suck a dick with your gums
My friends mom gave me The Betty White yesterday.
by Necromancer.ii July 8, 2023
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When you keep pouring straight shots of liquor into somebody's mixed drink without the person knowing it, causing them to get super Ef'd up and not realize it.
Hey man, did you see brandon? he got betty whited on new years eve!
by OGxZeUS January 3, 2022
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White trash straight outta cwood, plays hockey but is absolute trash,
thinks he’s cool when he wears his size XXXXXL ferda merch, you can find his fatass at mcdonalds any time of the day and he is probably fucking his thot of a sister. This kid thinks he’s top shit but in reality everyone fucking hates him, not even his own mother loves him.
Do you smell trash?
Here comes Betty White
by Cwoodcwood41 February 9, 2019
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an actress known for being the last surviving golden girl.
she was thought to be immortal, but on 12/31/2021 we sadly found out that she wasn't.
she never made it to that special 100th birthday, but she's still an absolute warrior making it to that age.
i wonder if god fired the angel who took betty white before her 100th.
by dogs4lifeee February 11, 2022
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some bitch that walks into a bar, grabs the wrisp of the nearest guy and leads him a pool table, strips completely naked and rides his cock then fucks another 10 to 15 guys with with the entire place watching
pool table Betty walked in the the bar and lead some random dude back to a table and fucked the shit out him and then took it in the ass from 10 more guys.
by erwtqw March 20, 2008
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some bitch that walks into a bar, grabs the wrisp of the nearest guy and leads him a pool table, strips completely naked and rides his cock then fucks another 10 to 15 guys with with the entire place watching
pool table Betty walked in the the bar and lead some random dude back to a table and fucked the shit out him and then took it in the ass from 10 more guys.
by erwtqw March 20, 2008
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some bitch that walks into a bar, grabs the wrisp of the nearest guy and leads him a pool table, strips completely naked and rides his cock then fucks another 10 to 15 guys with with the entire place watching
pool table Betty walked in the the bar and lead some random dude back to a table and fucked the shit out him and then took it in the ass from 10 more guys.
by alema March 20, 2008
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