A form of male masterbation in which the user rotates his Palm on our around the head or tip of his penis in a violent but graceful motion while being completely unconcious and unaware of being filmed by a vouyer.
Stranger-knobbin-Man did you see that Chad's totally strangerknobbin the Fuck out of his shit right now . Better film it and blackmail him with it.
by mystealth21 November 22, 2018
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overrated generic netflix show that contains the most cancerous fanbase to date.
person 1 (talking to person 3): dude there's a lot of people that are talking about the new stranger things season.

person 2: "cHRiSsY wAKe uUUHP"

doods do u like my hellfire club shirt??!1!1?!1

*does the rock horns and sticks tongue out*

person 3: well I was gonna watch it, but now I'll probably just go home and suck off a 12 gauge
by doctor cockknob September 13, 2022
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parallel universe, psychotic powers, deadly monsters, possessed people, love, friendship, kids, and a cool guy with a bat.

if you haven’t watched stranger things… what in the hecking heck is wrong with you. honestly. watch it. right now. NOW!
me: who’s your favorite character in Stranger Things?

then: i haven’t seen it.
me: we are no longer friends. first i want you to watch it, then i want you to write a 5 page apology to me.
by strangerthingsss July 29, 2021
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The best Netflix show for people who like,gore,fear,etc
Person:Hey wanna watch Stranger things?
Other person: YES
by .bubblegum December 28, 2021
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Stranger things is the best show like everything the actors ooo the actors... anyways every thing about the actors is absolutly amazing.. FINN WOLFHARD IS <3
by finnlover February 3, 2023
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Stranger Things: A terrible TV show that alot of Middle Schoolers who started watching in May 2022 on Netflix
"You watch Stranger Things?" "Yes, and I simp for Eddie Munson" "Kys"
by Roachyz_Bad August 18, 2022
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Watching stranger things is a code word for when you're making out with someone
"She told me they were watching stranger things;) last night"
by Summertime thingzzz October 24, 2019
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