A fluff nut is a projectile explosion of semen that travels more than 10 yards.
I busted a fluff nut in yo mamas hairy cooch. How ya like me now bitch?
by Cooch McGooch February 12, 2018
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A girl posting on a forum with no real knowledge of the site content and is only there to pick up members.
Look Jackie is back posting her usual forum fluff she wants David so bad.
by SOMEKHANT March 6, 2016
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When you travel across country and drop a 77-77-78.
Fluff Sheasel took home all the net skins.
by Indyoc November 9, 2022
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a cute or loving name for a furry creature (cat dog ect.)
Person 1:yeah this is my dog
Person 2:aw what an adorable little fluff-puppet
by TEEheeHee123123 November 6, 2009
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A term used when fan fiction writers write angst and fluff in the same chapter.
This whole chapter has just been a load of Queenie Fluff, hasn't it?
by Musicalnerd666 November 13, 2020
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When someone is getting F***ed in the ass and the man cums. xP
person 1- i has such a horrible night...

person 2- why?

person 1- cause i totally got full of butt fluff!

person 2- aweh man that sux!
by XAgentxCupcakeX May 19, 2009
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When a male purposely adjusts his crotch in order to achieve the maximum amount of profile bulge required to initiate mating rituals with a female.
It’s embarrassing going to the pool with Chad because he keeps crotch fluffing just before he walks up to hot girls sitting at the edge of the pool.
by 8pablodiablo0 December 3, 2020
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