A man who lives in other peoples house's.He randomly shows up when you least expect him.
Kid:I just went to the shitter and when i came out nick was on the computer.
Lenny:Pfft such a nick thing to do
by james henrys August 24, 2008
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A guy who cheats and is a dick, he likes to watch porn and call his dad, daddy. He is "rich" and gross. He is a bad example to his peeps.
nick is such a screw up.
by trugurl. May 15, 2015
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When someone in group discussion echos someone else’s statement taking credit for the original statement.
Hey John... why are you nicking me?
by Mccain brain November 11, 2017
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mooching off of others while you save money; cheap; living with parents while married.
That dude still lives at home and then gets me to buy lunch? He's nicking me.
by King Corn Cracker November 15, 2021
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something that chooses when to exist
wheres nick

theres nick
by MR.Psycho_yt February 12, 2022
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"Have you seen that boy nick's aim?"

"Yes holy shit he has to be locking"
by shmeattloaf December 26, 2022
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i guess he's pretty rich, but he's a white trash mf that doesn't think about other people's financial problems. i think he has autism, but i'm not 100% sure. he's pretty attractive, but he can't get a 2nd date because he sucks at talking to people.
i went on a date with nick, not going on another one.
by AadiDarsana September 22, 2022
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