We celebrate the aliens national day on the 7 of August. We wcelbrate this day because they haven't taken over our globe. They don't like cheese, they actually hate that shit.
Oh, Today it is the Alien's National day!
by glizzzzygobbler March 1, 2022
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He is worst csgo player, and should be put in prison cause he makes people wanna die when they see his gameplay, The holy alien is also a gay person and that means that he likes men.
Stop being the holy alien!
(which means stop being bad at everything)
by GUnnarGAming March 27, 2023
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Simply another term for Lean.
This Alien Blood got me seeing purple visions bro.
by Skeletard September 23, 2022
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An extremely potent ecstasy pill. Never disappoints.
Dude I only had 2 red aliens...and they annihilated me when Kryoman came on the dance floor!
by Sukon Mabalsak July 12, 2011
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A potato who believes in aliens. Not necessarily a plant potato... If you are a potato and believe in aliens then this is FOR YOUUU. Also, let your friends call you that.. oops wait you have no friends... anyways ill call you that it is fine. i am also one of these pieces of shit :)
Oh look, it is the Alien-ified Potato! better run unless i wanna get KIDNAPPED BY ALIENS HAHA
by Alien-ifiedPotatoConspiracy January 29, 2021
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Psilocybe Weraroa. A psychoactive pouch fungus found only in New Zealand.
Are there any ways to eat P Weraroa to improve the taste.

There is only one way to eat the Alien egg. Straight from the ground, dirt and all.
by Floorskin May 2, 2021
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when youre running around the mall and shitting everywhere but cant control the stream that is coming out of dat booty. but then it stops and you get abducted by chinese dragons. and then the dragons buy you stomach juice at walmart.
guy1 - what did you do last night?
guy2 - i was just boolin like a straight white asian alien walmart employee
by booty42069 April 24, 2018
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