Accidental trans is when a person, usually born male stops getting haircuts, working out or watching their weight and ends up with long hair and a softer body. If the male is still shaving his face he will find himself becoming more woman like, thus trans.
Have you seen Mark since the pandemic?
He’s a total accidental trans. Long hair soft body,,I thought I was meeting up with his Mom.
by Torpy July 31, 2021
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To believe you have the mind of the opposite gender you were born with, but not want to transition into the other gender because you are content with the way you are.
That’s Scott the trans minded lesbian
by SDuckMe January 4, 2021
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A person is considered a Pub Trans nerd, when he/she get so addicted to public transport <such as the bus, subway, train, or other> to a point they don't want to use cars, or even walk anymore.
Dude 1: "Bro, you see that dude over there? That one guy over there stands at the bus stop every time we walk to school..."

Dude 2: "Yeah, I noticed. Broke af."

Dude 1 "That's right. Typical Pub Trans nerd. This is what lack of friends, lack of chick, exess of books and bullying make out of people."

Dude 2 "Poor thing. Let's go get his lunch money."
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"My grandmother recently came out as trans-American. She moved here from China."
"Julio Iglesias, I support you for coming out as trans-American, but why did you have to do it illegaly?"
by usc boi November 10, 2021
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When you go on the internet for a long time and become unaware of what you're reading, but still are switching web pages at a normal pace
I was went in an Internet Trans, and found myself on
by fetimaster567 July 18, 2011
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The absolute worst thing anyone can say about your family. It’s irrefutable, and every other “Ur” is dwarfed by this insult’s magnitude.
George-Hey, John, ur granny tranny
John-Don’t make me do it, George
George- Do it! Ur brother a mother, I bet you won’t!
John- Fine then! Ur Clan’s Trans!
All seizes to exist. God is dead, there is no Earth, only pain and suffering for all that was.
by ComradeCommie March 24, 2018
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A question I get asked by girls way too much.
girl:are you trans?
It's ray the bi man not ray the trans man

not transphobic just not trans
go trans people
by raybeez February 12, 2022
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