Isabel is the most genuine person you will ever meet. She is quiet but easy to get used to, she’s always nice to be around but she has a habit of eating all of the cheetos and takis. She smells like a combination between roses, queefs, and horse shit. she is gorgeous but only when she gets her sleep and isn’t a rage monster in the morning. Isabel is a person you should have in your life.
Dayum bro that shawty is fosho an Isabel
by hmrayner June 14, 2022
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Isabel has curly hair and is a friend to all. She is a great runner and loves science.
Isabel is a friend to all.
by you heart February 3, 2023
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Isabel is beautiful girl with such an amazing laugh it makes you laugh. She sticks up for you and comforts you when you are sad. She is very pretty and can pull any guy she wants. If you have an Isabel in your life, don’t ever give her up.
Guy: wow 🤩 who is that?
Girl:that is the new girl, Isabel.
Guy: I think I love her already.
by Cat_Queen300 February 26, 2022
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Isabel is a beautiful and creative girl.She is one of the rich and popular girls in school.She is talented and kind and everybody loves her.She has a good sense of humour and has the weirdest ways to make someone laugh.
Oh my gosh!Isabel that is a beautiful painting u painted
by Alyssa Roles November 23, 2021
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Isabel is a girl who is brave but however acts like a 3 year old. She keeps the whole squad laughing in anything she does. She may be short, but she’s smart. She should be famous one day. She’s born with natural curly hair that everyone loves, and on her birthday her crush is most likely to ask her out.
I think I should say hi to Isabel. She’s really sweet.
by tohpro July 22, 2021
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Exoverted, in a couple relationship she is the most ardent, beautiful, charismatic and intelligent.
determined, always seeks to meet its objectives
Anyone would fall in love with Isabel, she is simply unique, you will never be able to find someone like her, if you are lucky enough to have her, never neglect her, love her, give her everything, she gives what she receives, lucky to have Isabel in my life. I love you bby
by El amor de tu vida bby, R November 23, 2021
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Charming, fun, crazy in a good way, crazy beautiful. But don't let her hotness fool you - she is not looking for ONS, only real relationships matters. Everyone likes her and vice versa. Because of her shyness you may think that she friendzoned you, but don't you worry. When she is comfortable with you, her amazing personality is unleashed to the level you never saw in any other human being. Caring for the people she values, always bringing positive energy. It is impossible to feel sad around this cute girl. Once you fight for her trust, she is a perfect friend, soulmate and for sure a lover.
Wow bruh, have you seen this cute girl passing by?
Yeah, she is a Isabel type for sure dawg, really rare to find. Wish I had a courage to ask for her number.
by Pedrito100 November 21, 2021
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