A lie made by government to hide the truth
Someone: what is society?
Me: the biggest lie that has ever been told..
by Theseus Aetós May 21, 2021
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What every 14 year old is afraid of for literally no reason
James: "dude my grandma died yesterday"
14yo : i know, if society wasn't like this, she could've lived"
James: "She died of old age."
by Isbias_t June 10, 2020
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Mirroring Society it's when you take society in its rawest form and show it. Only comrades and Antifa can do so, don't try Karen.
''Suicide it's more common than you know''
''Woah... is it bad?''
''They do that because of society. It means that we are doing something wrong''
''Man, you are really mirroring society''.
by COMRADES, RISE UP December 5, 2020
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A growing group of people that join together for one reason, Pro Advancement of Vir (For the Advancement of Man). Members procure photos taken of females either without their knowledge or with full participation. Typical photos that are Society worthy are usually of a woman's buttocks in jeans, yoga pants, etc. Though cleavage photos and selfies taken in bra and panties are also more than acceptable. Currently, only men are involved in the Society but woman are more than welcome to join if they share photos. A rule is if someone is to take a Society worthy photo than they are inclined to share said photo with his brothers. The only exception is if a brother is currently engaged in serious talks with the female and/or dating, then he does not have to share any photos of that girl.

The Society was founded by two individuals in Virginia back in the fall of 2008.
Guy 1: Dude. Look at this girl in front of us. She has a great ass.
Guy 2: Yeah man. I gotta document this.
*Takes photo*
Guy 2: Yeah. That's a great ass. That's a photo for The Society.
Guy 1: I'll inform the brothers.
by dmh1314 December 11, 2013
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N.B. since this term was invented by a resident of the Canadian province of Quebec, this term must also have a French equivalent, une societé de gaspilmation

a society that is both one of excessive consumerism and excessive waste
not only is our North American Western soceity one on planned obsolescence, it is also the epitome of a consumaste society
by Sexydimma September 24, 2013
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a society that is both one of excessive consumerism and excessive waste
not only is our North American Western society one on planned obsolescence, it is also the epitome of a consumaste society. however, since this term was invented in the Canadian province of Quebec, it should also have a French equivalent, une societé de gaspilmation.
by Sexydimma February 14, 2014
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