One of the best guys you'll ever meet. He's the biggest jerk but has the biggest heart, and no matter what kind of mood or funk you're in, he always manages to lift you out of it just with his presence. Bennie is easily the type of guy that you could see yourself spending the rest of your life with, he's the life of the party, sweet, confident, and amazing beyond all measures. Bennie is an irreplaceable individual who makes your life a party. He’s amazing in bed and is a great kisser, he makes your life a party and always finds someway to be fashionable and have amazing, unique and fantastic outfits. He puts himself before others but quickly loses control over his emotions and goes crazy. If you have a Bennie in your life cherish them because they are a unique individual who’s hard to find.
Omg you’re such a Bennie!”
by brian_la7294774 December 5, 2021
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benefit - usually refers to a benefit offered by an employer; plural: bennies
It's hard to believe I'm going to be a government worker, but hey, you can't beat the bennies.
by leannain-facal August 16, 2020
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A complete piece of crap, people from the Tri-State area that migrate down to New Jersey every summer to enjoy the beaches, but are hated by the general NJ population.
Hey mom, when will the bennies come to the shore this summer?
by ThatMaximilian May 14, 2020
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A complete and utter mongo, often messes things up and does stupid things
“Look at that bennie over there”

“I can’t believe he just kicked that window
by regulardamsto October 20, 2019
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In relation to Benadryl when using it to fall asleep
I'm gonna Bennie out before bed.
Can I have some Bennies?
Whenever I can't sleep I just Bennie out.
by thethegoesgoes May 17, 2021
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A white person who engages in benevolent racism against non-whites. Someone who acts paternalistically towards minorities and pats themselves on the back for it
Bob is a such a King Benny that he gave money to a random black guy on the street and then made an instagram post about it.
by JT . January 2, 2018
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