A form of mass that repels, not attracts.
Expressed as: -1 kg
Guy 1: I'll put negative mass in my friend's bed so he can't sleep.
- later -
Guy 2: WHY CAN'T I GET IN MY BED?!?!?!?
by themastermcadochemist March 15, 2020
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the way companies or businesses use ads to make extremists on twitter or any other media platform, destroy their products to make themselves look like the good guys and gain more sales as a result.
"man gillet has been using negative marketing quit a bit sense they found out it works."
by KO NO DIO DA!! October 15, 2020
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A word commonly used by locals, celebrities and some old people to describe someone who is a hater, a mad or wicked person
Famous person: Hello guys its been long I'm okay okay so for the negative negatrons don't let them get into your life becaus they don't have a ticket okay I luv you goodbye 😂😂 I made funny joke

Local middle aged lady: it's okay son he's just negative don't listen to him

Another local middle aged lady: the neighbors are so negative not gonna lie

50 year old lady on Facebook: Ignore the negative people
by BaconInspect June 12, 2022
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A Karen/Darren who acts like a snowflake
Has anyone else noticed how (insert name here) is acting like such a double negative lately?
by Excuse me, I farted June 17, 2021
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When two bros that are related want to be gay it’s cool because the gay and incest cancel each other out.
Listen bro, I really want to touch wieners but we’re cousins

No bro, it’s totally cool. Double negative!
by NutTote October 11, 2022
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Optimistic Negativity is when you are saying negative things in a very cheerful and optimistic way, saying things about self hatred, the failing economy, fucked up school systems, etc. but in an optimistic, cheerful, and even joking way.
by Ooficide October 7, 2018
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