A rap band that raps primarily in Mongolian. This band is derived from Mongolia and is little known to the rest of the world. In Mongolia they are huge and have done over 3 USD in albums. The amazing thing is that Monglia only makes a total anual national income of 1.50 USD. Its members are Ti-Ha, Chinka, Chata, and UHOOUHGH.
"D00d! did you hear the new band from Mongolia! They're called the Crows (Rap)!"
by Willy (310-663-6624) April 18, 2006
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Bored Crow, a person with no social life or hobbies who spent the majority of their free time shitposting and annoying people online. But the memes are fire so people like them.
Damn you saw the spicy memes the Bored Crow uploaded?
by 1NicerAccount December 20, 2022
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A girl who is after your black married man !!
This bicth be a crow hunter
by Djmoneymunz January 30, 2022
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getting fucked over or ripped off, usually by someone you consider a friend.
"Did you hear that Caleb borrowed money from that chick and just took off?"
"Yeah, I heard. She got Dick Crow'ed."
by BoltActionBaby February 18, 2015
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A company of burgers made by 2 idiots but has the best burgers
by The ture grog November 28, 2021
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