When your winning a football match then you lose and before the end of the match you ‘Clutch’ it back.
by Mr mcgregor UFC April 29, 2020
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something thrilling and exciting that is accomplished
something that is is extremely cool
person 1: I just went scuba diving with sharks!
person 2: wow dude that is clutch
by xoxo_143_boy June 21, 2011
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When you perform well through adversity.
Joe-"Did you bring the amp Christian?"
Christian-"Yeah dude. I'm clutch"
by Rob Saget May 13, 2015
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To be the last player (or one of the last players) in your team in a no-respawn game, and win.
*Dead Teamate* "Clutch it dude!!!"/"Nice clutch man."
by D1RE Finesse March 12, 2016
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If something is clutch, it’s the bomb. The best. The cherry on top. But clutch can also be used in a negative setting. If something is clutch - maybe it’s off putting or disgusting.
“That Ain’t Clutch” when describing something not nice.

“That’s clutch!!!” An exclamation over something awesome that has happened. Or something to like: “that colour of wallpaper is clutch!”
by Mr Double Clutch October 9, 2022
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