Adj. Being wealthy/well-off

V. Spending small amounts of cash in various places in a short amount of time

Comes from the analogy of money being referred to as "bread"
Adj. Girl, you need to find yourself a better man. Someone funny, smart, and droppin' crumbs.

V. We took Stacey to the mall and she was dropping crumbs left and right!
by pinkchicgeek April 21, 2015
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When one crackersplains so much they leave a trail of crumbs everywhere
by Prince Vamp November 17, 2020
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Pronunciation: /krʌm 'dʌmpstər/

Definition: A person or organization that eagerly seeks to participate in, or benefit from the power and wealth of the dominant elite (often referred to as the 'Oligarchs'), even accepting the most minor and unwanted portions of said power and wealth (symbolized by 'crumbs'). Despite being far removed from the direct influence of the oligarchs, they uphold their ideologies, often covertly.

This term often carries a connotation of pretense or hypocrisy, as in the case of a purportedly progressive individual or entity that nonetheless harbors a disdain for poverty and a desire for prestige. A crumb dumpster is distinct from related concepts such as crumb catchers, and crumb bags, which represent different degrees of proximity to and engagement with the oligarchs' power.

Origin: This term is a compound of "crumb", from the Old English "cruma", and "dumpster", an American English term from the 20th century. Its use as a metaphor for a certain type of ambitious individual or organization seems to have originated in the early 21st century, particularly in socio-political discourse.

Synonyms: social climber, sycophant, opportunist, pretender, wannabe

Related Terms: Crumb Catcher (a person or entity that catches and benefits from the immediate fallout of the oligarchs' power), Crumb Bag (a person or entity that removes and disposes of these remnants, potentially for their own gain).
"Despite his public image as a champion for the people, many critics view NYC Mayor Eric Adams as nothing more than a crumb dumpster, secretly supporting the ideologies of the wealthy elite."
by Rosa's Papa May 13, 2023
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Preparing to make fun of somebody, hence the term "crumb," which means to make fun of. The term parodies medieval battles with archers getting ready to fire at their enemy.
A completely unattractive chick walks by and two guys are trying not to laugh.
-"Oh God..."
-"Get your crumbs at the ready!"
And away they go teasing her deliberately.
by acrestare July 1, 2011
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When the janitor is cleaning and he comes across shreds of shitty toilet paper in his dust pan.
Hey did you get that picture of the dust pan butt crumb?
by Tan Stan September 28, 2023
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body crumbs - a way of describing your dead skin cells, body crumbs are like bread crumbs but from your body.
i hate bathing in all of my body crumbs.
by Sophie.ferg November 16, 2017
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A term rarely used, but refers to when a person is being very annoying or dumb. Because People hate when there food leaves crumbs in there bed, and say that it’s annoying, that means that the person you are referring to, is annoying.
Ugh, Jack just asked me out again, even though I’ve told him I’m Aroace!
Dude, he is the equivalent of crumbs in the bed
Ain’t that the truth
by GARLIC_Demon August 7, 2022
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