A growing group of a highly unintelligent British underclass, as evidenced by the 2011 UK riots. Politically-correct people generally view the term as discriminatory or "socially racist".

Defined by:

* No work ethic.

* A bullying mentality.

* Drug use / addiction / small time dealing while pretending to be a big fish.

* Compulsory brand name sports attire with a specific colour scheme per season, combined with fools gold jewelery.

* Compulsive lying, eg: about the extent of a criminal background, infidelity, etc...

* Highly argumentative. Can literally start an argument with a lamp post if they feel it has disrespected them in the slightest way.

* Highly illiterate. Basic words are usually abbreviated beyond recognition, particularly in written form. Grunting noises and swearing usually substitute the rest.

* Being on state benefits / welfare for most, usually all of their lives.

* Domestic violence involving beaten female partners or children.

* Binge drinking with cheap alcohol, including weekdays.

* Criminal records being viewed as a diploma, as it increases their perceived "hardness" status, and decreases their chance of gaining employment.

* Using immigration as a scapegoat for their self-inflicted predicament.

* High likelihood of single parent status in post-adolescence life.

* Generally incapable of committed / stable relationships throughout their entire lives.

* An arrogant sense of entitlement.
Chav: 'Ere mate, yoooo starting bro? Chooo yooooo know who I am?! I'm a well known gangster and know where yoooo live.

Lampost: ...............................

Chav: *Headbutts*, *Punches* & *Kicks* lampost indefinitely.
by I hate PC November 19, 2011
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A person (usually a teenage-young adult british female) who wears pounds of makeup with harsh contour, too dark fake tan and is usually mocked for their jittery stance. Usually known to carry around a Michael Kors handbag, a Victoria's Secret perfume and roughly three energy drinks. Everybody mocks chavs.

Girl #2: you better not go out like that! xD
Girl #1: xD *wipes off makeup*
by mxsty..xanny June 25, 2020
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A male or female age ranging from 11-30 who typically spends all their time walking around parks usually around 10-12 o clock at night smoking weed and sitting in McDonald's while usually riding a mountain bike doing countless wheelies in the middle of the road wearing clothes from shops such as JD, footasylum etc. A typical chav would be wearing a full north face tracksuit with a birth face hat, a nike,a tiny Adidas or north face manbag in order to only be able to fit a shank and weed, a fake gold or silver chain, air max 95s, 97s or any nike air trainer with there tracksuit bottoms are half way down their legs. Even if not provoked in any way if u even give one look at a chav they will start on u and will want a fight. If they own a car it will usually be a Vauxhall Corsa with a engine loud enough so People in a different country could hear it.
I saw a chav riding his mountain bike and doing wheelies
by #$#%£# June 14, 2018
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A ‘Chav’ is someone who smokes weed at kfc car park 24/7. They have lost their virginity at the age of 10-13 and wears fake designer clothes like North Face. Most of chavs live in Devon, Paignton.
Sindy Lu- “ I fucked a chav. Does that make me a chav too?”
Kerrie- “Yes, you skanky chav.”
by Paigntonisachavvyplace April 7, 2018
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An increasingly large minority in the UK, Chavs are often found outside McDonald's by day, occasionally entering to buy 99p cheeseburgers to feed their colony. They are also sometimes found in parks and on benches, especially during mating season. Mating calls typically sound like:

"You got a problem wiv it bruv?"
"We all got swag innit?"

Once a chav has found a chavette mate, typically chosen by how orange her skin is, he will use his aggressive benefits abuse to buy a clapped out Vauxhall Corsa, fit it with mufflers and false alloys, and use it to ease the burden of migration to the corner store every morning, whereupon he will buy a six pack of beer and head on down to McDonald's to meet up with the rest of the pack.

But it is the evening where the chav becomes most notorious. They are known as nocturnal hunters, found on streets late at night and preying upon those who are alone and vulnerable. Once a target has been spotted, the pack will converge upon it, steal all of its valuables and leave Unlike a pack of wolves, however, chavs are well known cowards and rarely operate alone.

By the time the chav is in his mid twenties, he will probably have a small litter of chav children. They will live off benefits, growing in size and weight until it is time for school. The parent will neglect the journey to school and so the child's life becomes too certain. By the time said child is 11, It will be adopted into the chav lifestyle.
RUTTING CHAV: "fuck off you wanker is my turn" "No it bloody well isn't" (fight ensues) "ow fuck off mate thats my stomach you just shanked"
MATING CALLS: "OOOOOOH!" "arright love lets fuck this bench ey"
MUGGING: "lets shank and fuck this old bitch up ey" "Give us yer purse or wee fuck you up real good arright?"
FLEEING FROM THE LAW: "Ayyy its the bloody cops run" "eyyy shit theys onto us lads" "Ow duck he got me boys"
AT HOME: "yeah im going on COD Ghosts, bought with the Xbox One using the taxpayer's money"
by King Horace IV December 31, 2014
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An alien-like subspecies of human who disguise themselves as a member of the British Population.

Commonly found speaking Chavish (A Language Based on English Slang terms with a heavy accent)

Chavs can commonly be found dwelling outside of a corner shop clutching a 35p energy drink (or some kind of alchohol) or At a local park, usually injecting or smoking something
S: "When i was walking home today, i saw a chav on spice"
A: "Filthy Bastards"
by ItsJayJack October 13, 2019
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Chav - thought to come from the town Cheltenham, where the private school girls would use the term chav to describe the locals of Cheltenham, short for Cheltenham average. Typically drinking energy drinks on street corners, wearing track suits but never exercising, having greasy hair (which a girl would have in an excessively tight pony tail)
Oh Victoria, look at those terrible chavs outside, goodness me the locals are truly detestable.
by Poshgirl1 February 2, 2016
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