When a person is sucking their thumb in their sleep, and you successfully replace their thumb with your dong without waking them.
My girlfriend was sleeping with her thumb in her mouth so I Indiana Jonesed her.
by Shaggytownsend November 25, 2015
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When you’re hitting it from the back and you have your thumb in her ass, you swiftly replace your thumb with your cock before filling her with your load.
“I broke up with him because he Indiana Jonesed me”.
by Hairy dick Humphrey July 18, 2023
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Only drinking your friends alcohol to save money.
I'm low on cash so I must hit my buddies house up so I can stay indiana sober
by Indiana daddy January 5, 2023
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A full on crazy ass bitch who loves her animals way too much. Like more then her friends. A bit sad really. Described by boys as their dreams and she will go on full rage mode when messed with. So tips for you. When you meet her don't even try to mess with her. She's very loyal and will stick by you forever
it's a fucking Indiana
by Urbanhoe April 9, 2017
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It fucking sucks sometimes of the most dickhead people you will ever meet
Indiana fucking sucks
by Lukas metelko April 12, 2022
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Nice guy won’t let you down always got your back I will make sure you make it home at the end of a nuts night out
Indiana is a nutter and a crowd pleaser
by Gristyboii November 24, 2021
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A Midwestern state often stereotyped as hick and backwards by other states, particularly those in New England and the West Coast. In actuality, while they do have some rednecks in the southern parts of the state, most of the populace are actually modest, hard working people. It is also famous for it's Basketball craze, the Indy 500, and Michael Jackson. Although not as commonly known, it has also produced many of the finest High School Marching Bands in recent memory, notably the Avon Marching Band, the Carmel Marching Band, the Castle Marching Band, and the Homestead Marching Band, rivalled in quantity and quality only by Texas Bands. In terms of cities, Indianapolis, it's capital stands as by far the largest city in the state, with it's suburbs being among the best places to live in the state. Carmel, it's wealthiest suburb, has a reputation for it's inhabitants being rich snobs, which is not entirely true. While some of the West Siders may live up to the stereotype, much of the city's population is made up of hard- working people, who are typically very friendly if you can look past the stereotype. In the North, the Industriak City of Gary is known for it's ghetto reputation, stands as a stark reminder of the decline of the Rustbelt, being one of the most dangerous cities in the country. Other major cities have sprung up with major Universities, such as Bloomington with Indiana University, and West Lafyaette with Purdue University.
A: So where are you from?
B: I'm from Indiana.
A: Indiana? You mean that backwards state in who knows where?
B: It's actually not that bad. It's actually pretty nice out there. You should probably visit it sometime.
by Removing Kebab... February 11, 2020
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