Zil/Zilla basically means brother or bro or bra for slang in Australia. Aussie slang from Perth Western Australia from a suburb in North-eastern suburbs off Beechboro. The words been around for a few years and slowly getting around the state. If its a chick (girl/woman) their called Xil or Xilla. The highest praise in the Z-unit nation is GodZilla second up would be MaddZil.
Zil 1. Oi zilla that chick over there looks proper bra.

Zil 2. uckin oath zil I ucked that xilla back in the dayz bra she went hardt.

Zil 1. My zilla, u a maddZil A, bra.

by Jonny ickslae March 20, 2021
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An atypical war hero in cyberspace genetisism. Usually distraught about noob tongue biters who are displacent on ethical code involving the real xenoverse, these cybernetic beings have one universal job: to alphabetize high trasher society's normalities in an abnormal disputation of critiquing error code in rooting logistics.

In social gatherings, a Zilla-Morph transits circle jerk populace in an attempt to collect all salvageable intellect conformaties, and use the gathered populace's cognizance against foreigners implementing ideations of anomaly friendship.
Zilla-Morphs don't run in packs and present similar behaviors to that of the methodically conspired atom.
Species: Mongooses


Certain heterosexual vampires
iI'm the only 'aware' alien at this party and this troll-monger zilla-morph is causing an anti-immigration coalition to conserve political energy! I must engage it...i

Gary (Scottish in America): Sup, Matt? Have you read the one about Xenophobia?!

Matt (Idolized Alpha-Male: Yeah! biI'm goodib
by Bidwellish Debater March 7, 2019
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Refering to a Female being a huge bitch. Or, refering to a male being a huge pussy and or bitch.
Mr. Porch is affraid of fights because he is a cunt-zilla. Mr. Porch wont stop crying about his bad day because he's a cunt-zilla.
by S.T. Gearhart (2009) December 1, 2009
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Someone who gets things done right the first time and with class. A sophisticated yet down to earth ass kicker. Usually a hot young lady.
I knew a c zilla once, she would never take no for an answer.
by crass123 October 22, 2007
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an uber twat-waffle. see twat-waffle
My ex-girlfriend is being a cock-block god, i can't even get pussy now, she is a twat-zilla.
by brennan "Juggernaut" hensley September 16, 2007
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A racial slang term used towards darker skinned people. Usually used as an offensive remark from a person from another ethnicity
"what's up ya T-Zilla"
"Bro what the f*CK! You can't call me that!"
by Savannah438 November 22, 2018
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Basically a virus posing as a download manager. It takes control of many things such as WinZip and contains a ton of spyware.
by Ryan January 30, 2004
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