Person1: Im gonna make suicide
Person2: Why?
Person1: Saw youtube comments
Person2: Enjoy!
by SomePussyWithoutAPenisxD January 4, 2019
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As someone who has used the comments section for 5 years, it’s decent at best with some actual people with brain cells and bring up actual quality points. But that’s kinda hard to find. At worst it’s the most toxic heap of garbage. I would say it’s the worst, but Twitter exists, and loads of people there are idiots. The majority of people there are ignorant, assholes, manchildren, trolls (not even the funny kind) spammers, like beggars, annoying and idiots. You’ll either be pretty happy after reading them, or start thinking that humanity was a mistake.

The day YouTube decides to make an option to never look at comments again on videos is the day we can live in peace and harmony.
YouTube comments. You’ll either like em, or wish you could bleach your memory.
by Pimpleapps April 17, 2021
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A place underneath every video (unless the uploader disabled comments) that has better comedy than George Lopez, Kevin Hart, or any other comedian could ever give you. It doesn't matter what video it is.

Also full of words like Stupid, Dumbass, sentences like "I hate when people ask for likes" then they make you click the read more button... "Like if you agree", "42 likes and 15 views... YouTube is high right now", and "You suk nigger" which is usually the case.
Person 1: Bro do me a favor... Go to McJuggerNuggets's latest video and look at the YouTube comments. You might loose a few brain cells looking at it though.
Person #2: I see it. Are you talking about Squeezed Lemon's comment? Man, what a dick. And his grammar is so bad, but it's so funny!
by latrelljennings July 7, 2017
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The section below the videos on YouTube where people post comments. Also the most conflicted part of YouTube, as most of the time people are arguing and virtually flipping each other off. They're also triggering each other and teaching the unwary children new words. In a nutshell, it's a random place full of swearing and disregard, only occasionally having a rational comment.
Example of the YouTube Comment Section...
YouTube commentor 1: trump is gay
YouTube commentor 2: no your gay u frikin retard
YouTube commentor 1: your mom is fat and stupid
YouTube commentor 3: get of the internet u frikin kids
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Where people come to troll, flame or just plain argue over irrelevant issues.
Basic intelligence is not a major component to the YouTube Comments Section. You're better off just watching the video without reading all the stupid comments (complete with numerous spelling and grammar mistakes).
by millsy86 April 2, 2012
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