An alcoholic drink served at fancy or uptight restaurants. They're usually tangy but very well liked, especially in Europe.
The urine at the party tasted great!
by vdiohfbt4kwjro February 24, 2021
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person1:what is that
person2:its urine in a bottle
person3:he pissed it this morning
by Shrektheboss2 April 16, 2018
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Something that leaves your body through the genetals. Full of stuff your body doesn't want.

See also R. Kelly
by MATT April 2, 2005
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One, male or female, that has pee running down their legs.
You have been away so long ,urine my thoughts.
by a.k.a. madam jewel November 16, 2017
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"I say good chap, I believe I need to urinate."

"What? Oh, you mean you have to pee like a racehorse on steroids."
by Flap Jack March 8, 2006
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Urine, also known as pee or piss, is a waste product that contains urea, water and a modded bilirubin. Bilirubin is a modded form of hemoglobin, used in red blood cells. Old blood cells get killed and the hemoglobin leaks like a natural gas leak. If red blood cells went straight into pee and poop, we would waste iron and die.
Urine is a waste product.
by Qorptocx January 5, 2019
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