To search, generally quickly and roughly.
Man, the popo just came by and tossed my place.
by R Dogg January 18, 2004
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To blank, curve someone.

Reject someone's sexual advances (often done in an indirect manner).
Divine:How's it going with Emerald?
John:She tossed me mate
Divine:What do you mean?
John:She told me she likes guys like me but not me.
She basically curved me.
Divine:Sorry mate.
by MenaTwoFour August 31, 2015
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To vomit, abreviation of "toss cookies"
"I was talking to to this hot chick but I tosed,, now she ignores me."
by ChristopherM May 31, 2005
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A toss is someone who has a presentable face that can be seen in public without humiliation
Damn! Gurl look at that toss over there!Aint he fine?
by Undisclosed! March 11, 2007
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the stage in putting together a look where u have a very narrowed down selection of pieces pulled and its just a matter of tossing, as in tossing a salad; the moment where all the seperate pieces mesh together and actually crystalise into a unified look.
uve been tossing for over an hour girl u almost ready?

u better toss the fuck out of that rack sis cus ur references are all over the place tonight
by chickenmuch September 21, 2014
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