121 definitions by Bobby

Guys that come when you did something bad. So bad that the cops dont want to handle, or are on a donut break.
"yo, we aint eva gonna get outta thiscoke filled buildin, the swat team is comin!"
by Bobby December 13, 2003
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My Kupu has about 2.6 Gigahertz, how about your Kupu?
by Bobby October 27, 2003
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1. Male speedo swimsuit. See bender. Banana hammock came about by the comparison and the long sexual induendo of the banana to the penis and because the speedo cradles the penis like a hammock would a banana. Hence ... Banana hammock.
Joe: This banana hammock's crushing my hardyboys. It's no mystery.
by Bobby May 26, 2004
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a fish or person that is a LOT cooler than a Mi Heng.
Look at that Bobaluchi. He is so much cooler than Mi Heng.
by Bobby December 14, 2003
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City of homeless, unemployed rednecks in northern Illinois. Rockford is like a little hick town except it is quite big, with all the problems of a big city!
I'm gonna go pick up some hookers and drugs in Rockford and then listen to Toby Keith.
by Bobby February 1, 2004
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