People on the internet often pray to Shrek as he penetrates their anus and yells "This is my swamp now!"
by Dubiks November 12, 2018
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A female erection "Sherection" which can be shortened to a Shrek On. This can happen when the clitoris is stimulated and full of blood, which makes it erect. This is similar to the male equivalent but naturally a little more discreet.

This would be subsequent to the term "fanny flutter"
Rachel said to Garry whilst in the throws of passion "I've got a massive Shrek on"

(Good looking guy walks past)
Rachel: He just gave me a " Shrek On"
by The KDT September 14, 2020
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Shrek is our God, our lord and our savior.
Guy 1: "I swear to God!"

Guy 2: "Don't swear to Shrek!"
by chounky March 13, 2019
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Shrek is our smexy thicc lord. Shrek is love, shrek is life. Shrek enjoys thy onions. Most fanpeople of the shrek are planning to kill his wife to take shrek for oursel- Hail the Shrek
by toast._.kathen May 16, 2019
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Our one true God. He has the power to sneak into our house at night and butt-rape us. As they say, Shrek is love, Shrek is life. He has a monstrous penis that will penetrate your sphincter, and large hands that will spread yo cheeks like butter. He has a sexy onion aroma, and a soothing Scottish accent. It is said that he will kill anyone that does not show respect towards him, you've been warned. He also despises Fortnite and loves Despacito 11.
Shrek is my sugar-daddy
I want to taste his onion juice (¬_¬)
by J-to the Dizzle January 19, 2019
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An all powerful being. He is life, he is life. The sexiest creature to exist. Shaggy couldn’t beat him using all of his power.He is also Aurora’s husband.
Person 1:I sacrificed my sister to Shrek.
Person 2: I wish I was your sister
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