Pile jump.

Can be used as Pile jumping when wrote pj'ing or pile jumped when pj'ed.
Omg, this noobs friends pj'ed me while i was dm'ing him
by Kragx May 18, 2006
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A Name That Big Shaq Gave His 21 Year Old Bacon Pet
by Big Shaq Brudda April 6, 2018
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Another term for 'Projects'.
BrokeBaby: Bitch I came out the PJ, not the projects!
by CouchPotato2019 April 8, 2019
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Pile Jumping, on games such as Runescape, you kill someone while PKing and the loot appears on the floor, you pick it up and a PJer attacks you and gets both loots.
OMFG i just got a gr8 kill when that stupid nub PJer came over n KOed me!
by Rang3 0wn Xx (RuneScape2) February 8, 2009
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(piss jug) a bedside empty bottle (gallon-sized, liter-sized, etc.) in which you can take a leak in when you're too lazy to get out of bed.
Dude it's time to get rid of that gallon of piss next to your bed.
No way dude, its my PJ.
by scottbalzer December 14, 2010
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An abbreviation for Personal Joke, referring to a joke which is usually only understood or funny to the selected few who know about the circumstances of how the joke originated.
Ali: I don't get whats so funny?
May: That's cos it's a PJ
by k846 March 7, 2007
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The hottest guy in the whole world, who's known because he can please!!
by Babycakes March 17, 2004
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