Trinidadian slang for an action that has remained incomplete for a long time. Usually employed to berate the person perpetuating the action.
You ent finish de dishes yet? How yuh sticking so?!
by redgyul September 21, 2004
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A reply (usually to a rhetorical question), or exclamation, used to describe something excellent.
Ste: What a great night out!
Chris: On a stick!

TheTonester: That curry we had last night was like sex on a stick!
by Chris, Ste and Tony September 24, 2005
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Australian slang for one gram of marijuana. The price for a stick can range from $10 to $25 depending on the quality of the product and the dealers idea of what a stick should look like. Sticks are usually eyeballed so actual weight can vary between dealers.
Give us a stick man, I got $20.
by Cheseburger June 18, 2007
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1. (v.) the act of inserting one's penis into something

2. (n.) penis

3. (adj.) the manual type of gears in a car.

4. (adj.) when something causes two objects to stay together due some type or form of an adheasive

guy 1 : "wassup son?"
guy 2 : " nuttin.. i'm chill"
(( woman walks by, drops something and bends over to pick it up))
guy 1 : " ay.. yo.. would you stick her?"
guy 2 : " hell yehh."

2. " damn babie i love it when we bone.. your stick is so hard"

3. " I can't drive stick very well, I just got my license."

4. " her body was so sticky after I cummed on her."
by xplicit_hunnie July 26, 2004
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Another way of saying AK-47. It refers to the rifle's butt end which is made out of wood, hence the term, "stick".

Mainly used in the south, especially Miami, where it might have originated.
Got a AK that'll tear ur whole day apart, that stick'll make em sit like a st. bernard
by red305 June 24, 2010
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"It's not fair - he acts like a knob and I get the stick for it."
by Will_A August 17, 2005
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