Sloppy Whore, usually a drunk, sleasy chick at a bar. A girl who sleeps with anyone when drunk.
Monica is such a Slore, she will fuck anybody when she gets loaded.
by Stephanie Schuh April 28, 2008
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male or female, half slut and half whore
That boy will go home with anyone. He's such a slore!
by jim public November 18, 2008
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A promiscuous person so promiscuous they are the combined power of a slut and a whore.
" Man, that chick is such a slore, she banged like 15 dudes on the pool table and was smoking cigarettes and reading magazines the whole time"
by Garmanbozia February 16, 2009
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A mix of a slut and a whore. A slut does any and everything, a whore does any and everybody. A Slore does all the above.
You just kissed that bitch? Man she hit off the whole hood and she tossed a few niggas salad, she a slore yo, you need to go get some listerine!
by Dari J. August 14, 2008
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When a female is so slutty and disgusting, that two terms mend. slore is a mix of whore and slut, and a degrading name to any class of broad.
That dumb slore slept with my boyfriend.
by kasslort January 30, 2010
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n. originally a combination of "slut" and "whore"; however, the word is now mostly used to describe obnoxious suburban girls that, though they have never engaged in sexual intercourse, begin to act like nymphomaniacs after imbibing a beer and a half.
Matt: "Did you hear about Sara and Olivia last night?"
Aidan: "Yes, I heard they voided their bowels from all three orifices."
Matt: "Fucking slores."
by Reggae Boy March 7, 2011
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