A shirt you put on while getting ready to go out, before you wear the shirt you are actually going to wear that night while you are out.
"Omg, you're going to wear that ugly shirt to the club tonight?"
-"No, of course not. This is just the Shirt before the shirt."
by Corinnabellx3 September 7, 2010
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A dress wearing by male and female.There are some types of shirt like T-shirt,polo shirt etc.
by Talibul Rakib July 1, 2020
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to put on a t-shirt.
opposite is to deshirt
ur all shirted again

I've gotta go get shirted cos my nipples are hard as tic-tacs.
by kozdog January 28, 2008
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you must be very stupid to don't know what a shirt is
-What's that on you?
-A fucking shirt idiot.
by Not Clay October 21, 2020
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A shirt made of spandex or lycra much like an Under Armor shirt that a man with titties would wear for support and the appearance of a muscular chest.
Carl developed bitch tit after he stopped juicing up and working out at the gym. He needed a Tittie Shirt to make it look like he still had pecs. Sad Fuck!!!
by will bitten September 20, 2017
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1. Phenomenon when, after blowing your nose into a tissue, you sense the distinct feeling of the booger dislodging from nose but fail to find the booger in the tissue. Then, after some passage of time, the booger is discovered on a part of your shirt that seems physically impossible.
2. Rarer phenomenon when the booger winds up on another individuals shirt due to proximity when blowing the nose.
3. A person who regularly displays boogers on their shirt as described in #1.
Business Meeting
Johnson: My sales numbers this quarter surpassed budget again!
Boss: Johnson, what in the heck is that on your shirt collar?
Johnson: Huh? Aha, that's where he landed! It's just my shirt booger.
Boss: Ok, but what about the one on your shirtsleeve? Is that another shirt booger?
Johnson: Yeah...
Boss: Johnson, your booger surpassed the tissue again, you're such a shirt booger!
by drizzle roach June 5, 2013
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A clean shirt or blouse that's kept on the back of your desk chair to quickly be presentable for video conferences.
Zoom shirts are likely here to stay since more and more people are working from home due to Covid-19.
by talk2me-JCH2 July 4, 2020
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