She is the worst flipping girl you will ever face on earth. She steals your food whenever she wants and she DEVOURS it like Henry the fucking hoover . Don't make her mad otherwise sheet use her nasty butt scratching claws on you damn face. She got a quandavius quadrillion quaterfacious double chin like mount Fuji. ( it might suffocate you and suck ur particles inside) if you got a kind bestie she will grab it like it her last life sentence meal. She is man thirsty for any male on earth. BOY THIRSTY, she will go quandumpous on any male on her sight. Even if its a baby brah. Be careful males. Since I'm a female I'm embarrassed but safe to be the same gender. If she got dead ass clodhoppers/ gumboots run cause those weight lifts can't make it on those feet thangs of hers.

Goodbye and be careful
Sincerely me
Gucci out yall
salina:" I'm just standing..cutley"
mother: "SHE GOT MY BABY BOY!"
by Iloveguyswithabs January 22, 2023
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Salina is a beautiful girl who is amazing funny caring kind hearted and overly loving she cares for you when you don’t see your self worth and she picks you up when you are down and makes you smile when your upset... she is short yes but great things come in small packages she loves me and comforts me when I need it I love her with all my heart.
Salina I love you with everything I have
by YourNumberOneFanOFC November 24, 2021
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A Salina is a very daring girl who is brutally honest. She only cares for people who she deems worthy and doesn’t like it when people provoke her. Salina has extreme anger issues. She has some really close friends tho. She will fight anyone who upsets them. Usually she also has a hot cousin. Most Salinas are really athletic. They are a bit lazy sometimes, but could easily win in a fight or competition. Because of their laziness, they procrastinate and do their homework quite late. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t smart. They’re also very pretty.
Person A: Ouh! Salina just punched me!
Person B: you shouldn’t have insulted her.
Person A: She looked so pretty while doing it tho.
Person B: When is it my turn to get punched by Salina?
by Mxllita November 21, 2021
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She’s so beautiful kind I love her she’s so cute one day she will be the most famous person in the world she way better then anyone who hates her she only hates bad people who did her wrong if she hates you I wonder what you did because it had to be bad
Me: Jasmine salinas is so nice and for what like I could call her anything and she just agrees
by Your mmm January 31, 2022
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