When you tie a rubber band to your dick, and then attach the other end of the rubber band to your sock, so your dick is in a constant state of extension, overtime this will enlarge one’s cock.
“I used the old rubber band sock trick and now my dick is half an inch bigger!”
by brendanslammer April 1, 2019
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A rack of Benjamin’s so fat in your pocket that a money clip can’t hold it, so use a rubber band instead.
My boo thang’s rubber band bank roll gets everyone’s attention every time he takes it out of his pocket...
by ROLEXX/ WHITE RAPPERZ February 27, 2021
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Rubber band man means a rubber you got on you the more rubers you got the more money u got on you like some ppl got 5 wich means around 5,000 dollers
Jon:Dam nigga look at that rubber band man
Tom:O D he got 5
by BaddS January 5, 2006
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A person incapable of achieving or sustaining a sexually viable erection without using a elastic or other impromptu tourniquet employed as a means erectile enhancement.
If susan is able to hide all of the elastics and hair clips in the house by dinner , she will be spared the unpleasantness of sex with her "rubber band man of a husband" husband who cound'nt do more than chump up without a small constrictive ban squeezing the base of his cock.
by fishpaw February 19, 2009
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when one ejaculates into a condom, then tells a female (preferably) to give a blow job. And when she goes to do it pull off the condom so that she gets slapped in the face by semen and the condom, like a rubber band.
get down here bitch so i can give you an irish rubber band!
by guesswho1017 February 9, 2010
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That guy. He conducts the rubber band at the circus.
who's that guys with the stick, pointing at that rubber band? duh you fucking motard, that's the rubber band guy!
by MeowMixer October 6, 2004
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A the most stupid and most useless advertisements that is seen on Urban Dictionary and many other websites.
Person 1: These ads I see on the web looks so boring and dumb.

Person 2: Which ads?
Person 1: The ones that talk about wrap a rubber band around your door.
by MST3K I like November 28, 2020
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