Term used when a guy is unsuccessful in seducing a girl. Also known as the opposite of wheels.
Guy 1: Hey, you`re looking good today ;)
Girl 1: Fuck off
Guy 2: haha he just got rocked
by DeShaunCarterIV May 31, 2011
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To do what you do in an outrageous and marvelous way.

(made famous by select members of the 2008 senior class of scripps ranch high school, san diego.)
kathleen: how often do you rock it?

megan: on the daily!
by rockitsister May 29, 2008
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Born in the south, evolved from blues. Pioneered by Chuck Berry, stolen by Elvis. Acheived perfection between '65 and '73. Died in the early 90's. The name is used to describe pop music marketed towards teenage males in modern times.
Nickleback is "modern" rock.
The beatles, the who, Led Zep, Hendrix, Berry etc. are REAL rock.
by Mark July 6, 2004
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to use. to make do with. usually to great effect.
you don't need to make up the guest bed, we can rock the couch.


you rock that shirt pretty well.
by Merin October 9, 2002
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Usually goes with the word 'it' afterwards, you must make clear what 'it' is. To be rocking (it) means that you are using something or doing something, or 'going with' something, be it a weapon on a video game or an object or thing in real life. It depends on what 'it' is. you must make clear what it is that you are 'rocking,' in order for 'rocking' to be used as a phrase in context and everyday conversation.

It can also refer to an item of clothing or a particular fashion look. It can be used to describe someone who is doing really well at something too.

(for a video game it can also be another way of saying 'Im running with this...' for example for C.O.D it's like saying 'Im running with this class...' Instead you say 'Im rocking the sniper class for this game...' etc.)
For a video game: (eg. playing cod)

-Hey man how are you doing so good?
-I'm rocking the sniper class and the chopper gunner for my killstreak thats how!

To describe someone doing well: (eg. playing rugby in real life)

-Hey i've scored 5 tries so far!
-Wow man you are seriously rocking it today!!

For clothes: (eg. Fashion, outfits etc.)

-Dude you look great for the fancy dress party tonight! That looks awesome!
-Yeah thanks man, I'm rocking the 'Elvis Presley' look tonight!
by NiceGuyTryinaHelp October 9, 2012
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A type of music originating in the American south by African Americans. It was first known as "rhythm and blues" which has now come to mean a completely different type of music. Its primary influence was blues, until the 1950s when white people started playing rock and combined it with country and folk. Rock music is characterized by the use of instruments such as guitars and bass. It was first made popular by black artists like Chuck Berry, then made more mainstream by Elvis. It re-emerged after a brief halt with the "British Invasion" in the early '60s led by the Beatles. British bands continued to dominate the genre with bands like the Rolling Stones, The Who, Led Zeppelin, and many others. It reached its height between 1967 and 77 before falling into different categories.
Today there are hundreds of different types of rock music including classic, metal, punk, southern, rockabilly, ska, grunge, emo, pop-rock, folk-rock, psychedelic and prog.
Classic Rock: The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix
Metal: AC DC, Black Sabbath, Mettalica
Prog: Pink Floyd, Rush, Jethro Tull
by nwnvwEKF September 9, 2012
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