Someone who bitches on behalf of someone else who is unable to continue bitching for themselves.
You know it's a bitchfest when one bitch gets tired, storms out of the room, and someone else takes it upon themselves to keep bitching in their behalf, like they're some kind of relief bitcher. A regular Mariano Bitch-vera or John Papel-bitch.
by jevanyn September 3, 2009
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a spare teacher, usually there when the main teachers aren't there. everybody will mess around with them and make sure they have a really hard time except for that one kid who always wants to play stupid games after working out some easy equation.
bob: nah that kid's name is bob, i'm bill.
bill: yeah he's bob, i am bill.
relief teacher: alright.
bob: *throws paper at teacher*
relief teacher: who was that?
bob: yeah that was hayley over there
hayley: iT wAS nOt ME!
random kid: gUyS jUSt sToP wE wANt tO GO oUt fOr a GamE
by AustralianESHAY October 27, 2021
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Da stress-reducin' effect you experience from readin' da funny papuhs.
I sometimes save cartoon-pages without reading them, so that I can have some comic relief whenever something upsetting/disappointing happens in my life. It's more effective at lifting my spirits than chowing down on a tub of ice cream, and it's totally non-fattening, as well.
by QuacksO April 13, 2019
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For males engaging in a sexual act with a woman: An alternate source of stimulation used when the currently enacted source of stimulation becomes tiresome to the male giver. The act of switching from vaginal sex to digital stimulation would be considered "bringing in the relief pitcher." Often used to conceal physical weakness and to the female recipient is seen merely as "switching it up." Can help maintain pleasure levels. Keeps manhood in check.
"dude i was bangin' my girl so hard but i got fuckin' tired so i brought out that relief pitcher son."
by Random Ock March 24, 2009
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The sensation of shitting and fapping at the same time while sitting on the bog. Waste also spews out both sides!
The lonely janitor often dreamed about the extravagant sensation that was "compound relief". It was a shame that he had been castrated and he had permanent constipation.
by Sexington Mcgee June 16, 2015
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Relief fuck is when you say fuck but in a way where you are relieved.
Tiny one: fuuuuuuuuuuck
Stephen: is that a problem?

Tiny one: no?
Stephen: oh ok, so that was a relief fuck.
by MrDylanX May 24, 2018
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The sweet relief of releasing feacal matter while sitting on the toilet while also engaging in the act of the sex with a person who is also releasing feacal matter into the same bowl.
Yo I did a little queef and relief with Athena last night, that was some real multitasking, but my bathroom kind of a mess.
by q&r June 5, 2021
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