The name of Radiohead's 7th Album.

It is their greatest achievement since Kid A.
"Man, I can't get over how good In Rainbows is"
"Tell me about it."
by Dublo720 October 30, 2007
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Those stupid things that come marching in. Then they crawl up your leg. And then they bite your ass, and your all like "EH! GET OUT OF MY ASS YOU STUPID RAINBOWS!"
by shmoopitty October 29, 2020
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Is a way to ask/inquire if the person you are talking to you is gay/lesbian or not;That you are acting/coming off as gay/lesbian/ or apart of the LGBT community; That you are gay/lesbian etc.
Stacy went to ask her friend Jarred if he was on the rainbow.
by Tru3lif3 October 8, 2014
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When a person changes lipstick several times while felating a penis, and leaves a rainbow colored hue on said penis. Ref: Jeffrey Budzynski- contemporary American, Floridian, rainbower of police penises.
Jeff changes lipstick a lot and is always rainbowing the cop's penises.
by Jeffblowscops August 1, 2018
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The definition of rainbow can also be like your going to play rainbow six siege like '' hey let's play rainbow six siege
by r6s fan June 24, 2017
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Radiohead's seventh album after Hail to the Thief. Possibly the best thing ever recorded. See music orgasm
simon listened to in rainbows and then died because it was so good. he was in good health.
by houseofcards October 16, 2007
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I bet theres a leprechaun at the end of that rainbow
by Poopx January 15, 2003
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