What fans of urbandictionary.com have when they start defining people instead of actual terms.
When I defined my friend, I had urban psychosis! Eek! o.o
by nikkan_hanil May 5, 2004
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Dialing and sending text messages to every client possible.

J 🦢
J 🦢 lives in sales psychosis.
by John 💰 February 8, 2023
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The hysterical state-of-mind that women achieve when preparing for a party at home or preparing for visitors.
BD Mike: "Jess's family is coming over for the weekend and she has the nesting psychosis bad! I'm walking on egg shells here!"
Eric: "I feel you dawg. Sarah had a work party at home last weekend and got the nesting psychosis badly too. I told her to take a deep breath and tried to hug her and she looked like she wanted to punch me!"
by Eric Reuth January 26, 2023
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the state of being able to perceive reality while psychotic
"Woof. I was manic as all get out, but at least it was a lucid psychosis, so I didn't run up my credit cart" - Jack Ofnotrade
by Jack Ofnotrade September 28, 2021
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A Side Effect of an Unexpectedly good sexual Encounter that may cause Light stalking and Thoughts of Relationships
Gave her such a splendid noodling, that now shes developed meat psychosis.
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He is the only man who can convince psychiatrists to commit suicide. He is the only man who can convince nuns to give him thier virginity. He can also convince pimps to become saints and their whores to become nuns. He is the sole reason why Trump decided to become president.

He is the one who watch the world burn without raising a finger.

He loves cookies & intimacy.
Mother: If you don't brush your teeth then I will call Dr. Psychosis.

Child: *dies from a heart attack*

Mother: well dang...
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abnormal condition of the mind achieved after cramming too many linesheets together in a short period of time (often in "hell week"), and is a generic psychiatric term for a mental state often described as involving a "loss of contact with reality". People suffering from linesheet psychosis are said to be psychotic.
Sara was found sitting at her cube with a blank look on her face on a friday afteroon, it was clear she was suffering from a servere case of linesheet psychosis.
by Trevis. July 30, 2009
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