1. An unusually well-ventilated excretion of gas from the rectum of a mammal, specifically a male miniature Shnauzer.
2. An interesting and thought provoking new word.
3. The essence of cool.
4. The act of sexing one up. (To pootify.)
"Sniffy has made one too many poots today, let's kill him."

"Oh man, that is so poot."

"I wanna pootify that!"
by kari vanner June 2, 2004
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The french way of calling a girl a betchh.
That is girll is soo mean she is such a poot.
by I lovv chocolatee May 18, 2008
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A cute dog. Usually a bulldog or Shar pei
Oh look at that poot! That’s a cute poot!
by Ogyogurt July 28, 2018
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A less impressive nut, often given by insecure men
"I'm so disappointed, i was expect him to nut all over my face, but all I got was a Poot"
by TinySteve May 1, 2019
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a sound to describe dissapointment, or a sound to describe when your not expecting something bad. eg. being unexpectedly shouted at
Mum: sorry kids we cant go to the cinema today
kids: poot

Girlfriend: how are u today babe?
girlfriend: poot!
by DinkyDizzy May 8, 2005
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A fart, with which comes the uncertianity of taking a shit simultaniously.
O god, I think I'm going to poot!
by The nazi of Yatzee November 8, 2002
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