slang for marijuana circa late 1950's
Talks about "pod," and smoke it now and then, and keeps some around to offer the fast Hollywood types.
-Naked Lunch
by Miss Spoon June 3, 2006
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used in paintball to hold your extra balls that dont fit in your hopper
extra paint
person 1- did you see me dumping pods on that bitch
person 2- yeah, than you ran out of paint and he bunkered you
by pbnotjst4lifebeballininheaven October 23, 2009
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Post Orgasmic Disgust; happens when one wakes up next to last night's random hook up slut and realize just how ugly she is. You have a stark unwillingness to kiss, touch, cuddle or communicate with the sexual partner from the prior night.
when she woke up this morning she had total POD
by puretone October 18, 2004
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A group of friends who spend a lot of time together to the extent they almost live together. Generally have lots of inside jokes and can tell you where one of the members (a Podling/ Pea) is at any time of the day.
"Those guys are a pretty tight pod."
by podling October 10, 2010
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POD stands for Pussy of the Day. The word dates back to the early 2000's when common folk in Harwich, MA used to party. All of land was filled with pussies, but when cool people had parties it was hard to sniff them out. One night, a few friends discovered that the first person to pass out at their party must have been a pussy. Sure enough, they were right. From that night forward, those who failed to make it through the night were labeled the POD of the night and to this day the POD's walk among the common folk.
-Hey! Who's that pussy passed out on the floor.

-That's fucking {Insert Name}, they are the POD

Note: There can be more than one POD of the night
by mR. g00d May 11, 2018
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Payable Upon Death; name of a San Diego based rapcore band
If you don't find forgiveness for your sins, they will be POD.

I saw POD on Howard Stern Radio Show a few years ago; Howard tried to piss these guys off during the entire interview but they kept their cool.
by James Cox August 31, 2006
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