one that is ugly, super white, needs help, puts teabags on eyes, and has no friends
That kid was so pasty he got denied to prom
by Anti-Pasty August 31, 2009
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Pasty (noun) and Pasty (verb)

A Caucasian person...for you slow people, a white person.

Can also be applied to someone that lacks a sufficient tan.
Fucking racist ass pasty motherfucker.

"You pasty bastard; look at you Chuck. You look sick man. You look like you just walked up from ground zero."

Chappelle's Show (Reparations Episode)
Verb usage:

Damn you look pasty as hell.
by Professor Xero December 6, 2009
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The smell of sweaty arse and vagina when doing a girl doggie style.

(The smell of bad pastie)
Last night I pulled this girl, nice face and nice body but fuck me I got a right pasty.

Open the window I can smell a pasty in here.
by xymox May 14, 2004
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Another name for the womans vagina
'oh my god!! Dave have you seen how nasty, Flora's pasty is??'
by GemmyFizzle October 16, 2006
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Someone acting white, stupid and not like they should; usually are called Squidward
Squidward was so pasty today he forgot how to count.
by Nick Brady March 6, 2009
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get me a biscuit! Someone who likes to travel - probably some one who gets a first at uni!
by Anonymous March 26, 2003
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Wow, he sure is a pasty.
by Pasty March 29, 2003
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