nice face

The standard comeback to any sarcastic compliment. That is, "nice" should be changed to match the adjective they happened to use.
Ha, nice shirt.
Nice FACE.

I like your hair. *snicker.
I like your face. *snicker.
by Lauraaaaaaa August 25, 2005
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Nice Face

A Greeting between friends used as a general "hello". If greeted it is improper to not replie. Generally is responded with the same greeting. It is Never to be used as a greeting to family or a stranger.
Boy1 *walks past friend*: Nice Face man
Boy2: Nice Face to you too.
by MagicOrange February 22, 2011
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resting nice face

a person who naturally looks 'nice' or 'approachable' when their face is expressionless, without meaning to. Basically the opposite of 'resting bitch face'
"Yo, imma holla at that girl over there"
"Nah son. She just has resting nice face. Shes a mad hoe"
by IOnlyFuckWithSome January 25, 2015
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Nice Face Potter

A phrase used to obstruct, avoid or otherwise cut a conversation short.
Zack: Hello
Person 2: Nice Face Potter.
Zack: What?
Person 2: Nice Face Potter
Zack: I'm going now
Person 2: Nice Face Potter
by Scrimjaw January 3, 2012
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nice face reveal ratio

an word to roast @kredillionyt and @nohohokun by exposing his face reveal and his comment
everyone: nice face reveal ratio 😹👎
kredillionyt: spam comments
nohohokun: exposing everyone 💀
by tiktokhasnotalent_773y February 6, 2023
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