"Word of mouth" credibility. As opposed to one's FICO score, which is "paper" credibility.
Is that guy legit?
Yeah, he has plenty of street cred.
by Texas Man July 9, 2016
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1. your "coolness" factor
2. imaginary "points" you get when you do something cool
1. Oh snap, I just punched that guy in the face--*plus 1 street cred*
2. Oh snap, you just got punched in the face--*minus 1 street cred*
by Deeebo October 21, 2005
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The points you get by doing nerdy things. Makes you cooler and able to have lengthy discussions with other nerds.
"My nerd cred is going to significantly diminish if I don't see the Doctor Who finale tonight!"
by ChameleonCircuit1963 December 18, 2011
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Google Credibility... what someone sees when they Google your name, business, product, organization or whatever. It's an increasingly important measure of legitimacy and how seriously someone will take you.
He talks a big game, but he has no G cred.
by John Follis March 23, 2006
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A term used to describe pretentious indie kids, generally redheads or other incredibly ugly/skinny kids who listen to the whatever the latest shit indie band is and take heaps of fucked up drugs and think they're the shit. These kids are really only in it for the image and wouldn't know good music if it kicked them in the balls.
Quick you gotta listen to this new band dude, it'll up your arty cred points!

Yeah he goes op-shopping for his clothes. He's so Arty Cred.
by CaliforniaPunk88 September 21, 2009
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Being creepy to the point where it becomes a noteworthy trait.
"Mary unfriended Chris on facebook. She went so far as to block Jim."
"Yeah, Jim's def got Creep Cred is she blocked him!"
by ncdubmixer December 16, 2014
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