to nap while pooping
Andrea: Where is Sharon?
Meagan: I think she is in the bathroom.
Andrea: She has been in there a long time, hope she is ok?
Meagan: I am sure she is fine, I think she is taking a Noop!
by purplelily8 February 20, 2013
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a boner so hard, so hard you can't even feel it.
i have a raging noop.
by 1noop2guy3 April 27, 2011
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A black man who devotes his whole house to used stereo equipment such as cd players, subs, and components.
Person 1: Hey man do them subs work?

Person 2: I dont know but Noop said they was shuvvin.
by Burn1G April 2, 2009
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The act of napping and pooping at the same time. Either on purpose or involuntarily.
Grandma was tired so she took a noop. It took us an hour to clean both her and the lazy-boy.
by Skinsfan21 January 19, 2012
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when you poop and you can't find it when you're done
by bread infection November 27, 2009
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originally created as a mixture of the words "noob" and "poop", "noop" means many things. Such as a noob who poops himself, a nerd who poop's himself, or pretty much any jerk who poop's himself. Unlike a noob, a noop can be anyone, no matter their age race or lvl of their guild wars character.
Noop: hey I'm a jerk and I shat myself!

kool guy: wow what a noop.

noop: what the f#$k is a noop?

kool guy: shut up noop.
by stan lightsaber December 20, 2006
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