Nook is a cute darskin girl and she loves to dance nook is tall every one say she look like her dad nook love her hater nook like one boy and she don't care if he don't like her she gone fight for what she want and they cal each other bestfriend for sum but no one no why I think u need to get u a nook before they run out nook hates when some one call her fake she loves to fight and not scared of any one nook love mixed and light skin boys
Get u a nook before they run out
by Cute girls rock June 19, 2017
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Fatass racoon who steals your money in animal crossing and has two nephews, Timmy and Tommy
Tom Nook is a total ass jack
by The car battery March 15, 2020
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to sensually message the crease in the back of the knee with tongue, finger, phallus, or other phallus like object
He was knee nooking me so hard I couldn't walk the next day.
by Eyeball_licker69 December 3, 2014
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a dumb ass bitch whore who steals bells and is a power hungry bitch get your island and kill this bitch once your get a shovel or whack his ass with a net
tom nook needs to move the fuck out
by imkewllllllllllllllll March 26, 2020
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Is coming for those knees
Tom Nook is coming for my knees if I don't pay him
- Jacksepticeye
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a flap of skin,
that dangles from within,
brown or white,
but best kept out of sight!
Rusty: oh my, what the devil is that lady doing?
Ritsa: (thumbing at her medical journal) why, i do believe she's rearranging her jungle nook?
Rusty: ...and i thought i'd seen it all, beach taffy gusset bunting , that takes the biscuit!
by Sandal-Bag December 27, 2010
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A contraction of "nookie" and "book smart". Having the natural ability to read women perfectly in order to get laid.
a) Charlie is too damn nook smart for his own good. He'll never be someone's Mr. Right, but somehow always manages to be Mr. Right Now.

b) Just like how being book smart doesn't help on the streets, it's important to note that being nook smart isn't helpful in long term relatipnships.
by Tenacious Faulker December 21, 2010
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