1. The act of moving one's partially erect penis up and down and possibly side to side without the use of hands or the power of a pelvic thrust

2. Using the muscles at the base of the penis to control the movements of the penis when partially engorged with blood.

See Also: Jabber-Wickling
1. Wow, I got really bored in math class so I was Flopping under the desk.

2. When I want to confuse a girl and I am in my sweat pants I Flopping until she notices.
by Daryl L. May 13, 2005
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That sensation one can experience when they collapse onto a comfortable surface after strenuous activities. This feeling occurs after a "flop" has taken place, which is the action of flopping down onto the comfortable surface. At times a good flop can in fact surpass the feeling of sexual intercourse.
Gavin: " That flop was outstanding! I feel truly flopped.

Dylan: "I was so flopped last night I almost jizzed!"
by Goerge101 June 19, 2011
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When someone says something has done poorly but in reality is doing really well.
by 24kAU December 20, 2016
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3 cards dealt face up at one time in Texas holdem poker.
MaineBowl called in spite of his weak 7-2 offsuit, just so he could look at the flop. What a moron.
by Cosmicstargoat April 24, 2004
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when a male loses his erection just before he is about to have sexual intercourse
Guy:oh man i totally flopped on her last night
Guy2:haha aww unlucky man
by Chrisisonfire12345 October 19, 2007
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A pair of female breasts. Usually referring to and ugly, 'floppy' or sad looking pair of breasts. Not a flattering term; do not attempt to use as a compliment, such as : "You have an amazing pair of flops."
That hose hound had some serious flops on hers.
by mttcnnn January 24, 2014
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