A substitute for the word nigga so white people dont feel left out.
Bill: Hello my nagger!
Tyrone: Fuk u say?!?!
by Mr.turds April 4, 2018
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1. What the southerners call any animal of any kind
random person: omg look at that fish!
other random person: get dat nagger!!
by Jahbooty July 30, 2011
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Naggers are like niggers but worse. Usually refers to faggots of sobriety, AKA people who go to AA.
I cant believe you gotta live with those naggers dude
I know i wanna end it dude.
by swerty gert February 10, 2019
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A term white racist redneck crackers use in place of the N-word, thinking it somehow may go unrecognized by others and be socially acceptable.
Hillbilly Husband: I had a couple of naggers ask me to stop the bus today so they could get watermelon shakes from Cook Out.
Hillbilly Wife: Naggers? You mean like a couple of old women just complainin’?
Hillbilly Husband: No Sugarboobs, I mean a couple of dark chocolates. Geez Louise ... go get my spittoon and chaw, woman.
by Sylvan Montague III August 10, 2019
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a bomb ass fort in leannes neighbor's back yard that we drink beer and smke weed
lets go light up in the nagger.
by john January 17, 2005
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People who complain too much and annoy you.
Janese is a nagger because she nags and complains.
by Bailey13th December 14, 2011
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