A series of movies that was absolutely the most awesome thing on earth...until the last two minutes of the third movie when the whole thing got shot to hell, along with all of my admiration for the Wachowskis. Actually, NOTHING got shot to hell. That was the problem. A freakin' TRUCE?! Come on!
At least Neo died. "I know kung fu." Give me a break.
by cardshark March 14, 2004
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When someone walks in on a couple engaged in the exchanging of tongues and possibly bodily fluids, the partner on top performs a Neo like move to quickly dismount his or her partner to avoid a possibly embarrassing situation.
Dude, I totally saw Skyler Matrix his way off of Tina, I think they may have been doing the dirty.
by Mally Piretchindle March 28, 2007
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A really cool move that involves alot of back bending ans side twisting in order to dodge objects.
he did a matrix and dogded that football
by matt November 15, 2003
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A great movie consisting of a pasty white guy and a magic negro.
By now you should have guessed...I'm your magic negro.
by spg November 12, 2003
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A genius coder making cheetos for shitty games. Rumour has it that he is a dank memer.
Matrix how do I open my cheats?
by insert key August 1, 2023
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to violently yet eloquently hand a beat down neo-esque style.
"If you do it right, you can make him miss then throw the high cross, maybe come back with a three .... then proceed to matrix it."
by jfd.lew May 4, 2010
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