The chronic female ailment of post
menstrual syndrome or pms.
The chronic female version of the ailment better known as pms, where a
female experiences bitch-like changes in attitude and behavior, as well as
symtoms ranging from hysteria and paranoia oned day to amnesia and feelings of isolation the next day,
especially, if she knows she really did or said something really bad to someone else or to you. Mad Cows Disease can
affect any female at any age, but usually experienced or found in young
ladies in their teens and early to mid
Damn, girl! You just got a bad case
of the Mad Cows Disease!
by MANNY CARDOZA February 27, 2004
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what guys have when they don't want to or aren't willing to get rid of their ex girlfriends after already moving on to a new one.
that guy has some serious mad cow disease
by xxxYOLIxxx June 13, 2007
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Why is PMS called PMS? Because mad cow disease was already taken
by Blair* December 20, 2005
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Crazy, unbelievable, bad. The opposite of metal. If something is mad cow, it sucks.
Person 1: I just broke my arm and totaled my car!
Person 2: That's mad cow. I'm sorry.
by The Government of Greenland April 14, 2020
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The infamous saying "The British should die of mad cow disease" means that the person saying this saying thinks that The British should die of mad cow disease and lives a happy life with their family and is a respected member of society with a great opinion.

It is mostly a saying used in a context against The British "people" and their horrible acts of violence against the human race that they commit every day.
Pbone: I think that "The British should die of mad cow disease"
Scouty: you are so right, Pbone.

The government soon awarded Pbone a medal of valor for his patriotism and made him the CEO of Sex and also gave him permission to violently put down all British "people" in a ten mile radius around his house.
by January 25, 2022
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